
Change of base URL for test environments

Pliant is deprecating the current base URL for its API test environment, also known as sandbox or staging environment. This means you need to switch the base URL for the test environment from the currently used one to our new base URL.

This change only affects the test environment of the Pliant CaaS / Pro APIs as well as the PCI APIs.

Change for the CaaS/Pro API:
From to
Example full endpoint URL after the change: GET

Change for the PCI API:
From to
Example full endpoint URL after the change: GET…/otp

Everything else stays the same!

  • This change only affects the test environment, NOT the production environment.
  • No change is planned for the production environment URLs.
  • No endpoint path or structure itself changes, just the base URL.
  • The calls are still HTTPS encrypted, as usual.
  • The API docs already reflect this change.
  • Auth0 URLs and parameters are not changed.

Why do we change?

  • Better readability of the base URL itself
  • Better scaling options on our end in the future

In 6 weeks from now, on 31st May 2024, Pliant will discontinue the routing of the old, deprecated base URL. Calls to the old URLs will fail after this point in time.

The new URLs are available immediately and you can switch within the next 6 weeks from now on.
If any questions around this change arise, please use the established communication channels.