
Quality of life improvements II

We added a couple of improvements to several parts of our API especially on your possibilities to maintain callback subscriptions.

Callback management

(1) We improved the management of subscriptions/callbacks

  • Consumers are now able to edit existing subscriptions simply by calling the respective POST endpoints with the updated payload.
  • We are introducing a new endpoint to fetch your current callback configuration: GET api/subscriptions. It returns a list of all active subscriptions.
  • Once the cardUpdated callback is sent for card updates (e.g. because the event CARD_DETAILS_CHANGED has happened) and no changes are made to the card limits the limitChange property will be omitted from the payload from now on.

(2) We are introducing the possibility of setting a syncFromDate once you activate organization authorization via POST /organizations/{organizationId}/activate. Once set you will only receive callbacks for business entities with createdAt later than syncFromDate.

  • The default setting is the organization's creation date in the Pliants system hence if not set while calling the endpoint you are going to receive all callbacks for all business entities no matter if they occurred before setting up the connection between Pliant and your application.
  • If existing authorization is removed (e.g. customer disconnects) and added afterwards again we do use the previously set and already existing syncFromDate if not provided during any (additional) re-activation call.
  • If you want to remove the syncFromDate you can simply set it to a date before the organization's creation date.
  • We are not re-pushing any historical data. When you set thesyncFromDate in the past, you will only get updates on business entities in the past if the event is happening (and not for events that happened in the past).

Minor improvements

  • Previously it was possible to request or issue a card for a member in INACTIVE state. This is not possible anymore. Instead, the API will respond with HTTP status codes 404 and errorCode NOT_FOUND.
  • We added cardholderId to transactionUpdated object that is sent for callbacks that can be subscribed via POST /transactions/subscription.