
Various new endpoints & improvements

We are introducing a way to retrieve the statement CSV (helpful for reconciliation) as well as an endpoint to migrate non-embedded cardholders to embedded ones (to restrict access to Pliant UIs). In addition to that, we added a new request property for deactivating cardholders and a new callback that is fired once a card is shipped by one of our card manufacturers.

Statement CSV

Until know we only exposed the monthly statement PDF including all the account movements (we call them "account entries") like credit card transactions, bill payments, direct debit reversal fees and so forth. We are now adding an endpoint that allows fetching the so called statement CSV. Usually this file is attached to the monthly billing email (next to the statement PDF) but can also be downloaded for each month using Pliant UI.

To access the file:

  1. Call POST /statements/csv to trigger the file creation job for the specified organization, card account and date period.
  2. You will receive a callback of type STATEMENT_CSV_DOWNLOAD_READY once the exported CSV file is ready. Do not forget to subscribe to the callback upfront! Otherwise this endpoint returns an error.
  3. Fetch the actual file via the URL that is provided in statementFileUrl. This URL is valid for at least 1 week. After that, the file might not be available anymore. The pattern of this URL may change at any time, so do not rely on the structure of the URL. Every time you receive the callback, just use the provided URL in the callback to download the file.

Remarks to the business logic: You can specify start and end dates. In the Pliant application, for all completed months, these dates default to the first and last day of the month. For the ongoing month, the start date defaults to the first day of the month, and the end date is set to the current day.

Change cardholder type

When adding cardholders to the platform we do offer two ways

  1. Inviting them via POST /cardholders/invite which sends out an email and asks the user to go through the registration flow (setting a password and more). This results in a user with full access to the Pliant UI (depending on role)
  2. Registering them via POST /cardholders/register which creates an entity on the platform that can be used to issue cards (via API or UI). The user does not receive any email and is not able to access Pliant applications (web or mobile)

Internally we do handle those cardholders differently. The first ones are non-embedded cardholders while the latter ones are embedded cardholders.

We are know adding an endpoint POST /cardholders/remove-pliant-webapp-access that allows you to migrate an non-embedded cardholder to an embedded cardholder. This is especially useful if you want to restrict access to Pliant apps (web & mobile).

Some important remarks:

  • The endpoint asks for mandatory parameter organizatioId because in case a cardholder is the member of multiple organisations you are able to restrict only access to the specified organization. If you want to lock out a cardholder completely provide the same cardholderId in combination with multiple organizationIds.
  • It wont change anything in case the cardholder is in terminated status or if the cardholders role is ADMIN or OWNER.

Deactivate cardholder

It was possible for a long time already to deactivate cardholders by calling DELETE /cardholders/{cardholderId}.

Sometimes there is the business need to deactivate a cardholder and re-invite the cardholder with the same username (email address). This is why we are adding an optional suffix parameter when calling the above mentioned endpoint that allows API consumers to alter the username by adding a suffix like +deactivated to the email address that is stored on the platform.

Business logic:

  • If no suffix is applied the cardholder will be deactivated without any change of the username
  • If the endpoint is called for already deactivated cardholders the suffix will be applied as well.

Minor improvements

  • We're introducing a new event: CARD_SHIPPED. This event will be triggered when we receive confirmation from our card manufacturers that a physical card has been successfully shipped. Please note that this event is applicable only for cards designated as PHYSICAL and will not be triggered for any other card types. The payload is re-using the cardUpdate object described in our API reference for card entity.
  • We added the cardId to the payload of CARD_REQUEST_UPDATED callback that is triggered by the following events: CARD_REQUEST_CREATED, CARD_REQUEST_APPROVED & CARD_REQUEST_REJECTED.