
Minor improvements

We have made small improvements to the transaction, statements and card account entities.

Set receiptNeeded flag on on transaction level

We have added an endpoint that allows to manage the necessity to provide receipts within the Pliant platform (web apps, mobile app). Its now possible to turn receiptNeeded property to false on transaction level allowing for some automations based on e.g. card or merchant level. As API consumer you can now turn off receipts for specific merchants or cards. The endpoint is documented here: PATCH /transactions/{{transactionId}}/receiptUpload.

Balance for each card account

Previously the balance property has been only available on organization level. We have now added it to the card account entity. It can be accessed via this endpoint GET /card-accounts. More information on the topic of account limits and balanced can be found in this article.

Related transactions for statement entity

Each statement has a 1:1 relationship to account entries. It is now possible to fetch all account entries for a given statementId. We extended the existing endpoint GET /statements/{{statementId}} to fetch the details of a statement with the relatedTransaction property.