Card Account

Every organization has at least one card account. A card account is a sub-entity below the organization level. Card accounts can be set up to separate for example expense types or differ between major projects. Card accounts are set up during the onboarding process of an organization and cannot be created by the customer itself.

Each card account has a fixed currency and a fixed issuer. Meaning you can have a EUR card account and a USD card account where the payments and transactions are therefore then settled in the corresponding currency of the account. Depending on the configuration of the card account, different cards can be offered. Hence not all cards ara available in all card accounts.

Use cases for multiple card accounts below an organization can be:

  • Travel agencies can use one account for employee expenses and one for travel bookings for their customers.
  • Software resellers can use one account for employee expenses which is prefunded and one account with a credit line with a 30-day payment term.
  • Movie companies can have different billing bank accounts for different movie projects where they park the money raised to fund the movie. They can reflect this structure with Pliants card accounts.

Data Model

iduuidThe unique identifier of this card account
organizationIduuidThe corresponding organization for this card account
namestringName describing the card account in a few words
accountGroupstringCombination of the issuer (TPML or Pliant Oy) and bank (Varengold)
currencystringThe currency in which tx will be settled
ibanstringThe bank account we use to settle an organisation’s transactions made via a single card account.
purposestringA description of the purpose of the card account, longer than the name itelf
creditLimitamountThe credit limit of the card account
paymentFrequencynumberThe payment frequency of the card account
paymentDefermentInDaysnumberNumber of days payments are deferred for this card account
defaultAccountbooleanWhether this card account acts as the default card account. There always have to be one active default card account.
statusstringThe status of the card account
accountTypestringPrefund or credit
activatedAtdate-timeWhen this card account was activated the first time
createdAtdate-timeWhen this card account was created