

  • Agreement with Google granting permission to use the Google Pay API for Push Provisioning.
  • Whitelisted app package name and SHA-256 certificate fingerprint by Google.
  • Android version must be 5.1 (Lollipop, API level 22) or above.
  • Device must be able to connect to the Internet.


It is recommended to use Android Studio and Gradle to build the project.

Gradle Configuration

MPP (Mea Push Provisioning) SDK should be added to the project as a standard Android dependency. SDK is hosted in a private Maven repository, so you need to configure build.gradle by setting the assigned URL and credentials.


test - test environment
prod - production environment

Library Repository and Dependencies

in build.gradle file:

repositories {
    maven {
        url ''

        credentials {
            username '<user>'
            password '<password>'

dependencies {
    debugImplementation 'com.meawallet:mpp-<environment>:<version>-debug'
    releaseImplementation 'com.meawallet:mpp-<environment>:<version>'

You may check actual version here


  1. Download mea_config.<issuer>.zip.
  2. Unzip the archive. Archive contains configuration file mea_config.
  3. Add mea_config to Android App resources res/raw folder. Library automatically loads configuration from app bundle during runtime.

Enabling Issuer App for Google Pay Push Provisioning

To get access to Google Pay documentation use the following links:

Google grants access to the Push Provisioning API only to participating financial institutions. Therefore, issuer apps need to be whitelisted before they can call the API.

Go to Push Provisioning API Access to whitelist the app.

... if Google Pay has not yet launched in your country, you need to test with the special Alienfood version of the Google Pay app.

Google Pay - Issuers - Get the Google Pay app

❇️ Useful Information (Only authorized Google accounts can view this content.)
If you have multiple Google accounts and you can not open link with yours specific one, then just try to add ?authuser=1 OR &authuser=1 to end of link. You may change 1 to any index of your account. Example:
