Configure notifications


This page is about e-mail notifications and the ability to configure them.


  • Pliant platform triggers lots of email notifications based on events
  • Most emails are sent out to individuals (e.g. owners, admins, cardholders). We call them User Emails.
  • In some cases, we do send email notifications to generic email addresses that are configurable on the platform (e.g. billing email, email forwarding...). We call them Platform Emails.


  • With our extensive set of callbacks, you are able to implement notifications yourself
  • To not send out notifications twice we enable you to configure (= turn off/on) notifications that are sent out by the Plaint Platform
  • You are able to define emails based on...
    • email template (e.g. monthly limit of organization reacht, card request created ...)
    • role of the recipient within pliant (e.g. admin, owner, cardholder ...)
    • type of the recipient (embedded vs non-embedded)

Important remarks

Consumers of partner API are able to configure

  • ✅ User-Emails (via notification config)
  • ✅ Platform-Emails: Receipt forwarding (via partner config & app)

Consumers of partner API are not able to configure

  • ❌ Platform-Emails: Risk & Compliance (incl. Onboarding)
  • ❌ Platform-Emails: Payments & Statements
  • ❌ Internal Emails: Onboarding
  • ❌ Internal Emails: Misc


To change the configuration of user emails please reach out to us in the dedicated Slack channels or via [email protected]


Once you start configuring notifications the in-app user-specific configuration on the profile page within Pliant is not valid anymore