Supercharge your product with our B2B Cards-as-a-Service solution

API Basics

To get the most out of your integration with Pliant, we recommend carefully reading the introductory sections, especially our short intros about environments and entities and core concepts. With that you get a good overview of our product offering and the basics of our API implementation.

You should then also check out our API fundamentals, like versioning, pagination and general API guidelines. This helps you better understand how to use the API together with your product offering. Especially the asynchronicity of mutating API calls is an important topic to check before starting the implementation.

You can then dive into how we authenticate our API consumers before granting access to the API itself. How the customer can activate data sharing with a partner is also an important topic to follow.

Pliant's API is used by different partners, which may have very different business models and thus very different information needs and data manipulation requirements. We, therefore, differentiate between two different permission by use case. We call them scopes: scopes.

Creating Test Data

How to generate test data for our sandbox environment is an topic you might find useful as well. It helps you testing your own implementation.

API Reference

For the curious ones out there you can of course jump directly to the actual API Reference and start implementing our endpoints.