
In Pliant a cardholder is the actual human being that has ownership of one or multiple cards.

Since a cardholder is a member of an organization, he/she has one or more roles in regard to the organization. Roles have a hierarchy, therefore higher roles also get the lower roles assigned. The common roles are, in hierarchical order:

  • Owner
  • Cardholder

Data Model

cardholderIduuidUnique identifier for the cardholder
salutationstringMR or MRS
firstNamestringFirst name of the cardholder as recorded in our system
lastNamestringLast name of the cardholder as recorded in our system
emailstringEmail address of the cardholder as recorded in our system. Must be validated as it is the username for logging into the web & mobile applications.
phoneNumberstringPhone number of the cardholder as recorded in our system. Must be a mobile number to be able to receive SMS (used for two-factor authentication)
languagestringDE, EN, etc.
isOwnerbooleanFlag to identifier if the cardholder has owner permissions
statusstringThe current state of the cardholder, either:

Example Data

  "cardholderId": "6e545ed3-a303-4da4-b419-757916ce15cd",
 	"saluation": "MR",
  "firstName": "Jane",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "phoneNumber": "+491234567890",
  "language": "en",
  "isOwner": true,
  "status": "INVITED"

State Machine