Monetary Values

Some of the endpoints require and/or respond with monetary values. For instance if you want to change a card limit you have to provide the value and the currency.

The value is the amount in the minor unit of the currency. For instance with EUR we or you provide EUR cent values, for USD we or you provide USD cents and so on. Thus if you want to create a card limit request with a monthly limit of 200,00 EUR you need to provide 20000 as the value and EUR as the currency.

Depending on the transaction type, the monetary value can be negative or positive.

Our API complies with ISO 4217 standards for currency codes, ensuring flexibility and precise calculations. This allows us to handle a wide range of currencies, including those with different decimal places. In essence, our API can process any currency, provided your acquiring contract for the specific payment method supports it.

Minor Units Explained

The number of decimal places (or exponent) required depends on the currency:

  • Exponent 0 (no decimals): BIF, BYR, CLF, DJF, GNF, ISK, JPY, KMF, KRW, PYG, RWF, UGX, UYI, VND, VUV, XAF, XOF, XPF
  • Exponent 2 (two decimals, most common): EUR, CHF, GBP, USD, and many others
  • Exponent 3 (three decimals): BHD, IQD, JOD, KWD, LYD, OMR, TND

Examples of Currency Amounts

To illustrate, here are examples showing how to calculate and submit amounts based on the respective minor units:

  • JPY 1000: Submit 1000 since the Japanese Yen (JPY) has no decimal places, representing 1000 yen
  • USD 50.50: Submit 5050 since US Dollars (USD) have two decimal places, representing fifty dollars and fifty cents
  • KWD 0.250: Submit 250 as Kuwaiti Dinars (KWD) have three decimal places, representing a quarter of a dinar