Pagination & Ordering

All endpoints return 50 objects by default.


We use offset pagination. Limit/Offset paging would look like GET /items?limit=10&page=2. This query would return the 20 rows starting with the 51st row.

Example (Assume the query is ordered by created date descending)

# Partner makes request for most recent transactions
GET /transactions?limit=10

# On scroll/next page, partner makes second request 
GET /transactions?limit=10&page=2

# On scroll/next page, partner makes third request 
GET /transactions?limit=10&page=3


Ordering is done by the unique identifier (e.g. organizationID, transactionID ...). In some cases, ordering is explicitly based on fields (e.g. creation date for list transactions or company name for list organizations). You can find information about our ordering in the description of our endpoints.

Many of our endpoints support the query param sortBy. Additionally you can specify ascending or descending order by using sortDirection with the either ASC or DESC value.

GET /organizations {

GET /transactions {