Custom Field
Custom fields allow you to add generic text data as key-value pairs to transactions, optionally automated through cards. You can define any number of text fields on organization-level. Those custom fields have a label and a (default) value. If added to a card, each transaction made with this card will receive a copy of the custom fields value. The value of custom fields can be changed on all levels (organization, card, transaction) later as well.
This feature enables use cases like adding customer- or partner-specific data to transactions, for easier reconciliation later or any other use case you might have.
Field | Type | Description |
id | uuid | Unique identifier of each custom field. |
label | string | The name of the custom field, e.g. displayed in Pliant's UI. |
description | string | A description of the custom field. |
defaultValue | string | An optional default value of the field, which is then prefilled when used. |
type | string | The type of the custom field. - TEXT for generic text data, or- SELECT for a predefined set of options to choose from |
status | string | The status of the custom field:ACTIVE INACTIVE |
automationType | string | The type of automation, only CARD for now. This defines if the field is automatically copied from card to transaction. |
mandatoryOnAutomation | boolean | Defines if the field is mandatory on automation, meaning it needs to be set on card level. |
mandatoryForExport | boolean | Defines if the field is mandatory for accounting exports on Pliant side. |
createdAt | date-time | The creation date and time of this custom field. |
updatedAt | date-time | The last update date and time of this custom field. |
Custom Field Options
Additionally, you can also use custom field options, which are represented as dropdown selects in the Pliant UI. With this feature, you can limit the input for your customers to a defined set of data.
Field | Type | Description |
id | uuid | Unique identifier of each custom field option. |
customFieldId | uuid | Unique identifier of the related custom field this option belongs to. |
name | string | The name of the custom field option, readable for humans. |
value | string | The value of the custom field option. This is mostly your internal value you want to process. |
status | string | The status of the custom field option. Only an active custom field option can be used. |
source | string | The source of the custom field option, i.e. how it was created. |
externalReference | string | The external reference of the custom field option. This is the reference in the accounting system and used only there. |
default | boolean | If set to true, this means this custom field option is the default value for the custom field. |
createdAt | date-time | The date and time the custom field option was created. |
updatedAt | date-time | The date and time the custom field option was last updated. |
Updated 2 months ago